Wednesday, 13 August 2014

How i got N4000 recharge card per week [Any Network]

Hi everyone.What am about to unleash to you this morning is real and there is no doubt about it.I hope everybody on PC is enjoying there MTN 700MB and 150MB offer.I a sorry to the android user who are unable to enjoy it,but it still rocks on PC infact am posting this article with it.If you are still unable to rock it on your PC you can comment below the appropriate post.

Am going to show you guys how i earned N4000 worth of credit on my MTN line per week by just answering simple O'level questions and if you are smart enough you can earn as much as possible.This is not limited to MTN alone,you can get it on any line of your choice.Am introducing you to an app called GIDIMO. Gidimo is Afriica first learning and growth platform, your personal learning that helps you learn
grow and be the best you can bem, but for me i earned from it.Because right now, not only learning you can gain from it.As you learn ,you earn.


  • Your mobile phone and application
  • About 5MB of data per week 
  • And your brain.


For blackberry users here
For android users  here
For Java phones here


  • Open the app, register and verify your registration through your email.
  • choose Gidiprep.
  • choose diamond prep challenge.
  • You select a challenge type ,weather jamb or O'level ,then subject and topic.
  • Begin to answer those questions given.
  • when you finish answering question for each topic,you go for another.
  • For each question gotten right,you gain four points which at the top of the application.
  • When you reach 1000 points you re done for that week.
  • Then on Sunday ,you get paid through VTU.

NOTE: Whenever you change your SIM card ,do not open the app,else your gotten point will be wiped off.because your new SIM will be verified.You can do this as much as many phones you have.You can only get one thousand on a single line per week,its recommend you do on all your phones because i know some of us have up to three or four phones.

Lets have your comment below.....
Thanks for reading......


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